Filter - определение. Что такое Filter
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Что (кто) такое Filter - определение

Filtering; Filters; Filter (disambiguation); Filtering (disambiguation)

1. (Originally Unix, now also MS-DOS) A program that processes an input data stream into an output data stream in some well-defined way, and does no I/O to anywhere else except possibly on error conditions; one designed to be used as a stage in a pipeline (see plumbing). Compare sponge. 2. (functional programming) A higher-order function which takes a predicate and a list and returns those elements of the list for which the predicate is true. In Haskell: filter p [] = [] filter p (x:xs) = if p x then x : rest else rest where rest = filter p xs See also filter promotion. [Jargon File]
I. v. a.
Strain, pass through a strainer or filter.
II. v. n.
Percolate, transude, exude, strain, ooze.
III. n.
1) to pass smt. through a filter
2) a cloth; sand filter
1) (d; intr.) to filter into (foreign influence began to filter into the country)
2) (d; tr.) to filter through



Filter, filtering or filters may refer to:

Примеры произношения для Filter
1. filter.
#GIRLBOSS _ Sophia Amoruso _ Talks at Google
2. filter.
A Different Kind of Dating App _ Amanda Bradford _ Talks at Google
3. you filter in and filter out?
How to Have a Good Day _ Caroline Webb _ Talks at Google
4. lyrical filter.
No Mercy in this Land _ Charlie Musselwhite & Ben Harper _ Talks at Google
5. sound filter,
Примеры употребления для Filter
1. Solrom brings it edge in filter making and Zoko brings expertise in filter marketing, the company added.
2. Their efforts resulted in developing the nutrient filter paper by treating filter paper by a special method.
3. Filter spam: Set up your automatic spam filter and then review the suspected spam folder once a week.
4. The movie was made using a stop–motion camera, with each frame photographed three times (once with a red filter, once with a blue filter, and once with a green filter). The negative was then printed onto film.
5. A filter should remove organic and inorganic compounds and physical particles, said Kucherov, while Sultan advised using a charcoal, ceramic or ultraviolet filter.